A Mother Suspected of Massaging Her Son: Tamaki Yasuoka (May 2009; SPRD-287) is, all-in-all, a quite satisfying little 2-hour effort from Takara Eizou / Aleddin. It's basically just a sex video, with enough artsy photography and scenery and situation (no story, really) to give it a little atmosphere without interfering with the action. As the title implies, it's another one of Tamaki's incest fantasies, and shows her in lovely domestic mode.

As a pretty quiet guy, I don't like the wild, sex-crazed, hooker-type characterizations portrayed in US porn (what little I've seen of it-- decades ago), but the sight of a big, beautiful lady like Tamaki just walking around the house doing daily chores for the family is absolutely Heaven for me. She shows just enough to be enticing-- those gorgeous, thick legs, that spacious bosom beneath her blouse-- without being slutty about it...
A close encounter of the familial kind ensues on the staircase, with Mama Tamaki showing us for the first time in the video, those magnificent mammaries of hers... The curving staircase, like the roundish walls in the image before this one, indicates one of the complaints I have about this video-- that fish-eye camera lens. This is used, too often, apparently with the intention of distorting and exaggerating the lady's proportions. I don't need this, or want this... All natural Tamaki is perfectly satisfying, I believe...
Another sex scene, on a couch, follows, starting from this low camera angle which highlights her big, thick legs and thighs. Again we see the effects of that fish-eye lens which I dislike so much. The soft-focus, on the other hand, isn't too distracting to me, and can be used to advantage to blur out some rare unsavory sights (the pimples on Tamaki's butt, for example), and lends a dreamy quality to the whole show...
In bed, Tamaki takes a supine position the better to watch her boobs flop about, over her arms, and into her face... watching them move about is always a particular joy, probably to any fan of the big, bouncy lady I would assume... and few can move and bounce as well as Tamaki!
Tamaki then gets on top and does that boob-bouncing and flailing that she does in such an inimitable fashion. I had seen this clip at various sites before, and it seems to be one of Tamaki's signature moments... deservedly so, since it is quite spectacular...
I did no IMDb work today, and instead spent most of the online day catching up on this blog. Once again, I was about a week behind in posting here. I tend to make notes for each day during the week-- noting my IMDb progress, and what BBW/Boob-related discoveries or thoughts I have each day-- then post them later on when they're complete...
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