Started another single bio this a.m.--
Misato Ayukawa seen at left in
Boin "Misato Ayukawa" Box (April 2010) then fixed some of the old video links in the
Cinema Unit GAS DVD articles during the afternoon.

Flopped out a triple o' bio-quicklies in the p.m.:
Madoka Ayukawa,
Serina Kurosawa, and
Kaede Ousawa. Kaede Ousawa is seen at right. Lovely young girl, but has blond/red hair. Remind me to complain about Asian women dyeing their hair blond later... Also, don't let me forget to rant about piercing, tattoos, implants, cosmetic amputation, and whatever sorts of body-mutilation passes for fashion these days. I like women just as nature intended them.
Au naturel.
À la carte. No man-made contraptions to interfere with their natural beauty, please. Thank you very much.
After the night's editing, I watched a little
Monk with my son. One of the few new TV shows I'll watch. And then only on DVD. Remind me to rant some time about how much I hate American culture of the past decade-and-a-half. How alienated I feel from what is ostensibly my own culture. How much more I enjoyed being a foreigner in Korea and Japan-- where I really was a foreigner-- than I do being one in my own country... Actually, I guess I like
Monk because I can identify with him. Though he does seem more comfortable here than I am... And a better detective...

Since I've hinted at some of my dislikes above-- which I'll rant about later, God willing-- allow me to now be more positive, and discuss a few the things I do like. Now, be forwarned, delicate reader, I am about to expose a few of my very bizarre fetishes. One of my strange quirks involves the pleasure of seeing women with clothes on. Yes. On. I find them quite beautiful that way. Is there a name for that fetish? Now I'm not talking about fetish clothing-- I don't care for leather, or angora, or high heels and all that crap. No, just plain, everyday clothing... Glasses would be a nice touch though. (Right:
Noa Serizawa amply demonstrates the charm of a buxom, beautiful woman with clothes on. Sick? If this is wrong, I don't want to be right.) Now don't get me wrong: I find them quite beautiful with their clothes off too. Absolutely. No question about it. But after seeing one of these AV actresses nude in every conceivable position, from every angle, I start to wonder, "Oh, I bet she'd look GORGEOUS in clothes!" And sometimes I'm frustrated in my efforts to scan the Internet seeking out a picture of this lovely lady in attire other than her birthday suit, and in a position less than scandalous.

Another fetish is the first view. The first shy unveiling. The moment when she first shares her offerings, demonstrated by the bounteous
Usagi Minagi to the left. The "You like?" moment. Yes, I like. Oh yes, I like very much. "Too big?" Oh, no, no. "I am too fat?" Oh, no, no, just relax and don't worry about a thing, my sweet. Ah, memories... I hope my sharing these horribly revolting, twisted, disgusting, deeply personal fetishes of mine have not unduly shocked my readers. I hope you're not too queasy to eat dinner alright after all this filth. I've certainly embarrasted myself by opening up my deepest, darkest secrets this way, that's for sure... But what the Hell? It was a decent enough excuse to post a couple more photos, and to blather on a bit...
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