Monday, August 13, 2012

The Final Stretch

Since I had caught up on my backlog of prepared IMDb posters/new films, I spent the morning uploading new posters to the pre-1990 archive, and one to the post-1990 one. I'm roaring to the end of my Picasaweb image-identification project for the pre-1990 archive. Less than 50 images to go now. Work at IMDb is picking up steam too, with the end of the posters in sight. Once I reach the end of the pre-1990s, I'll stall on the Picasaweb IDing until I finish submitting all the poster links, and start IMDb entries for the films that need them.

As I head into the final stretch of this part of my Pink film / IMDb project, I thought this would be a good opportunity to ogle a beautiful lady doing her own stretches. Who she is and what this image is from, I don't know. But... I KNOOOOW what I like!


  1. This was posted about 6 years ago on Two sets with about 9 photos each, frist japanese bbw I've ever seen.

    1. Thanks Yamtaro, and welcome! Yes, now that you mention it, I do seem to remember seeing this beautiful lady at TT a few years ago. I will look through my archives and see if I can find more images and/or information and report back in another post.
