I submitted five new films to IMDb, but I won't bore you with the details unless I need some extra text to pad out the post to make room for some images. Suffice it to say they were all Pink, released from 1977-1979...

Tanks a Million (1941)
Hay Foot (1942)
About Face (1942)
Fall In (1942)
Yanks Ahoy (1943)
Here Comes Trouble (1948)
As You Were (1951)
Mr. Walkie Talkie (1952)
As can be seen from the release years, this was mainly an early WWII-era service comedy series, and, of the two I've seen (I think I may have seen a third years ago-- one of the early ones), the WWII one is of the higher interest. This one, set in the post-war era, has the gang kind of milling around not sure what to do with themselves now that they're out of the army. Cops, strippers and gangsters are involved. The ending seems both an anachronistic throw-back to silent-era chases, and a rip-off of the deed-chase scene from Laurel & Hardy's Way Out West (1937). The poster above right ballyhoos the film as being in "Gay, New Cinecolor", but I found it to be neither new nor in any kind of color... The earlier Doubleday films I've seen, made during WWII, were mildly amusing. This one was even milder. Oh, it was nice to see the old crew back together after a five-year break. Well, two of them were together again. But other than that, it was a pretty uninspired comedy. That the series seemed to be pretty clearly out of steam makes me wonder about the two that followed this one... though, I guess, they place the gang back in the army. As if WWII weren't enough laffs, now there was another war going on, over in Korea...
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