Monday, October 27, 2014

LUU at Osaka Fetish-Fest this Sunday!

LUU-san in an appropriately fetishistic mood
If you're lucky enough to be in Osaka next Sunday, November 2, you will want to go to the Fetish Fest, where lovely LUU-san will be in attendance.
Be sure to pick up a few of her photo ROMS & her Cutie Fat LUU book, which we've covered here in earlier posts. I have my own personal copy of this fine volume!
Congratulations to LUU-san!
LUU-san celebrated the attainment of 4,000 followers on Twitter today by favoring her fans with the image above. More success to her!


  1. So great!

    She retweeted a few pictures of her with another girl, but she Photoshopped the hell out of them! In my opinion they're kind of displeasing to look at...

    1. you're following her too?... somebody should have clued me in on all the Japanese beauties on Twitter years ago! ;-)
