IMDb New Years Resolution was to finish submitting one year's worth Pink Film releases per month, from 1991 - 2003. This would fill in all the
PG lists up to where I had left off, working backwards, from 2012. Those activities have been keeping apace. I counted thirteen new 1991 Pink film submissions fully accepted since last count, and have finished submissions up to September 1991. I just finished translating the credits for all the Pink Films released during year of 1991.
Yui Igarashi |
As reported a couple days ago, magnificent
Yui Igarashi (五十嵐ゆい) has a new DVD release with
IZM coming out tomorrow.
Hatsujô hônyû musume (発情豊乳娘 - "Horny Massive-Boob Girl"; ICD-211; January 24, 2013).
I'm kind of tired and cranky tonight though, and I feel like turning in early to watch an old
Pam Grier movie... come to think of it, Pam Grier would make a good subject for a post one of these days. Quite obviously, I'm partial to the Asian ladies, but variety is the spice of life...
But to the point: I'll just post a few still images from the DVD, and shuffle off to bed and the movie... Enjoy! 'Night all!
Video sample
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