I went with my son to see
Men in Black 3, without much knowledge of critical reaction, or of much hope for enjoying it. I didn't care much for the first film, and have never seen the second. I have to admit though, I rather liked this one. It didn't over-do the CGI crap that is so popular nowadays. Sure, it was there, but no more than necessary. There were a couple of obvious looks right at the screen that are telltale signs of self-conscious 3D, and sure enough, I see now that it was released in 3D-- we saw it in 2D. (Note that the most self-consciously 3D touch in
Hugo [2011] is when the train comes directly at the audience off the screen, as in the film from the 1890s-- and that this is perfectly appropriate by using 3D to comment on movie history, which is what the film is about...) What got to me in this one especially was towards the end where the relationship between
Tommy Lee Jones' and
Will Smith's characters is explained in one very touching scene. That one scene, naturally, makes a much deeper and lasting impact than all the CGI put together. I would like to think that Hollywood is getting the message that non-stop gratuitous CGI is un-watchable without things like, you know, character and plot. But then I am getting
Transformers-like vibes from the advertising for the
Battleship, film, and, consequently, staying away. Anyway,
MIB3 is a decent little time-travel sci-fi comedy with a heart.
Josh Brolin is perfect as the younger Jones, and
Jemaine Clement makes a good, likeably hate-able villain. Seven stars out of Ten from me.

Boobpedia work was spread throughout the day. Working off & on I succeeded in starting bio stubs for all the actresses on the
second and
third lists of 10 DVD in the
Busty Amateur Nakadashi series, totalling probably around a dozen or so new bio-stubs.
Now for the rest of today's post, in honor of the day's movie, let's pay a visit to the lovely Ms.
Noa Serizawa while she performs her own three-part "Black" series. First we see "Lady in Black", a still from Serizawa's DVD,
Mega Busty Expansion! Super Boobs Advertisement Plan (May 2010, JAMS, SND-35).

Our next visit with Ms. Serizawa gives us Black II, "Lady Removing Black" from the DVD 凄い乳房!!妄想コスプレ勃起喰い女教師 (Hyperedge, December 2009, VOL-01).

And Noa finishes the trilogy with most the critically acclaimed of the series, "Lady Totally Out of Black" from
Voluptuous Busty Girl Beautician (JAMS, September 2009, SND-24).
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