Wednesday, January 29, 2014

BBW Confusion

My IMDb work has been pretty slow this week. I've finished translating through February 1997, and submitted a few films. My major breakthrough this weekend was in figuring out how to save Youtube-like video, which gave me a few more full videos to view and review, and lots of clips. You may all find it amusing that I just figured out how to do this, but remember, I'm an old guy, and was working on a Windows 98 system until little over a year ago. In fact I'd still be on that system if Blogger hadn't updated their system... speaking of which, a year into using that new system, and I STILL think it's garbage. There are LOTS of things I could do with images and formatting in the old system that I can't do with this dumbed-down graphic interface... but I ranted about that plenty back then...
Tonight we look in on lovely, lovely Kiyomi Suzumoto whom we first met in a post of August 5, 2013 announcing her DVD, JUFD-307, and in another post later the same month announcing JUFD-315, in which she was paired with Shizuko Fujiki.

These images are from an upcoming GYUKAN release, but no video code has been attached to it. It should be the fourth in the series, and therefore GYU-004, since the last was GYU-003, starring Erisa Natsume. Since Erisa and Kiyomi bear some resemblance to each other, and since they haven't been identifying these images as anything other than "GYUKAN", it's been causing me some confusion. In fact I may have accidentally posted some images of Kiyomi and called her Erisa...
...and to make matters even more confusing, the same blogs are posting new images of Erisa Natsume, promoting not only GYU-003, but also, apparently, a DVD ROM, with a code of "CHO-01" on the cover, yet the image saves as "CHO-16".
...and a CD-ROM...
We see images of the cover, plus pictures of Erisa at a promotional event. Note the list of DVD Numbers on the table above.
...and THEN, to make matters even worse... in the same blogs, we're getting images of an unidentified model in a DEKAJIRI release, such as the one above... who could easily be Erisa... or is it Kiyomi?... or is it someone else?... and is this in an upcoming DEKA-007 release, or one of the previous six? I don't know... it hasn't been announced... But, until we get the answers, we can just relax and enjoy the lovely scenery!


  1. As shown in JUFD-307, her Japanese name in English is Suzumoto Kiyomi (not Kyomoto Kiyomi). The girl above looks more like Suzumoto Kiyomi rather than Erisa. Love them both but more to Suzumoto :) Thanks for this blog. Really informative. Keep it on.

    1. Hi, and welcome to the blog! Many thanks for the correction! I still can't make out the name "Suzumoto" in Roman script on the cover, but her profiles on sites like DMM show that you are right. My Japanese is not very good, and when I cover new models like Kiyomi, before they have a profile that spells their name in kana, I sometimes have to take a guess. I've fixed the name wherever she's mentioned in the blog, and gave you credit for the correction.
      I agree, it's very hard to pick a favorite between these two (or three?) beauties... I would probably pick Erisa though, since I like her more mature face... though the one on the bottom has glasses, and I LOVE girls with glasses!
