Above a fellow-traveler makes a scrumptious discovery in the person of Nozomi Baba (馬場のぞみ) in MAGURO-037... My other fixations can be justified one way or another, I think, through pseudo-scientific rationalization... Big boobs-- Boobs have a biological purpose, in nurturing babies; Big asses: Big, strong hips are sign of good baby-bearing ability, Glasses: A cultural stereotype for intelligence. But big, fat, soft legs? Especially that bend behind the knee? Of what practical use are they? I don't know, and I don't know why I do, but I love, love, LOVE 'EM!!!
This is one obsession of mine that is really not very well covered in JAV. I have to really hunt around for the few examples that catch my eye. Here is a shot of that behind-the-knee area I am talking about. This is from Timio Juveronup's first opus from his new Dekajiri label, Dekajiri dot com 1 (デカ尻ドットコム1; DJ-001). We covered this DVD in a post at the end of last month.
Like all my "big" fixations, shape, I think, is more important than volume. For example this image of Rose Aoyama and Shizuko Fujiki from MAGURO-035, covered in a post last week, shows Rose's legs as just big, without the shapeliness I like. She is, overall, just plain big in the lower regions, but to be fair to the girl, this image does seem to distort her proportions. The high heels emphasize her legs the wrong way. She's not at all unattractive.

Very big legs, as long as they're shapely, are also very attractive. All known images of this extraordinary girl were posted on August 30. As Ralph Kramden so eloquently put it: Hamana-hamana-hamana...

Yuuki Manaka is another big girl with nice, big, soft legs. We previously devoted a post to the admiration of her gorgeous gams on August 10, the above image from which is truly my idea of a glimpse of Heaven.
Above we see her in her role as teacher in the MAGURO DVD Miwaku no nôpanpansuto: Bakunyû jokyōshi Manaka Yûki (魅惑のノーパンパンスト 爆乳女教師真中ゆうき; MAGURO-021; October 2011).
Regardless your opinion of the attractiveness of fat legs, any guy lucky enough to have had an Asian lady clean his ears the traditional way should surely agree that a skinny-legged girl just can't provide the comfort that nice, cushiony legs like Yuuki's can... So I guess there is at least one practical use for them!
Here another favorite, Tamaki Yasuoka displays her own charms. She's got a bit of cottage cheese on her upper leg, which is not part of my particular perfect-leg aesthetic. I like dimples on the butt, but can take it or leave them on the leg. While I don't find it particularly disagreeable, it's one of the few parts of the whole Tamaki package which I don't find to be absolutely perfect. Leg-wise, I have to give the nod to Karen Toudou's soft, white pillowish gams...
Speaking of which, here they are. As far as the legs presented here today, I suppose these are my ideal. Man, how I enjoy sticking my face between legs like that... Hamana-hamana-hamana...
I share your interest in legs, especially in Tokyo!
ReplyDeleteThis may sound quirky but I'm actually also turned on by cellulite. It seems kind of feminine. I love the photos above of Nozomi Baba and Tamaki Yasuoka.
I can take or leave cellulite, I just like those legs thick & chubby, with a nice curve... Asian girls' legs have that short, stocky look which I love, but which, unfortunately, is generally implied to be unattractive by Asian pop media, while long, thin Western fashion model figure legs are held up as an ideal...
DeleteAny places to find strippers who are big and thick with cellulite?