This post took a long time to put together. Researching it led to discoveries, digressions, downloading sessions, note-taking, etc. I will share some of this bounty in posts to come, but for now, let's get down to the business at hand. This week we must find a series to follow the "Horny Fat Women" series we ran for the past 9 Sundays. I think I have found a worthy successor in another fascinating, mysterious early series featuring lovely, chubby Japanese women. Produced by the intriguing "kyuubidou" (九尾堂) or "kyuubidou tsuushin" (九尾堂通信) company on the "RABBIT" label (or was "RABBIT" the company and "kyuubidou" the label, as the video shops assert?), the main man behind the operation was "Pocha cameraman" Jun'ichi Natsui (夏井淳一). Based on what I find of this gentleman, he is surely one of the early heroes of the Japanese BBW genre, and
this write-up of one of his photobooks confirms this, calling him the "Genius of pocha" (ぽちゃの鬼才). According to
this archived page, Natsui was a photography buff with an eye for the chubby girls. Not able to find any on the market at the time, he started producing his own photobooks of pocchari pretties in 1992. A survey of what information I can find on those books will follow our investigation of Natsui's videos. He founded the video company in 1995. An archive of the mainpage gives the image we see at top of this post, featuring the lovely Minagi Usagi and confirming 1995 as the start of the series. The videos and the archived website give the company's address as 2-19-11-201, Hatagaya, Shibuya, Tokyo, contact email address: natui@rikitake.co.jp, and the site address: http://www.bekkoame.ne.jp/~hiro-18/kyuubidou.html, dead linked now. He ran
a blog between 2006 and 2008, which I have not yet scanned for information.
This series is not as "neat" as the Horny Fat Women. Actually we're reviewing the output of Jun'ichi Natsui and kyuubidou tsuushin. There is a group of series under the umbrella name, "Pocha-pocha tengoku" (ほちゃほちゃ天国 - "Chubby-Chubby Heaven"), the "main" series seems to be videos with an "RP-" prefix. This sub-series is titled Houman Tengoku ("豊満天国"), and, for 5,000 yen it promised 40 minutes of pocchari pleasure. A search on the term 豊満天国 currently brings up
this fine establishment featuring a bevy of bountiful beauties, but which seems to have no connection with the video series currently under consideration.

The series
started out on a high note with the video debut of the 19-year-old
Usagi Minagi, who, as indicted in the image at top, seems to have been something of a spokesmodel for the company and the series. (Is it just a coincidence that "RABBIT"-- "Usagi"-- is the name of the company/label?) She was the first model in the book series, and the videos. We have had occasion to visit her a few times before. A diminutive beauty who is active to this day, she is one of my all-time favorites. Leaving aside her baby face, entrancing voice and overall cuteness, her raw statistics alone are awe-inspiring. On a mere 145cm (4'9") frame, she packs 91kg (201 lb), measurements of 121-80-100(cm) / 48-32-39(inch) and a Japanese L-cup bra. These are her current statistics, and she looks considerably smaller in this video, which, as far as I can tell, was her first screen appearance. I'd planned on linking to this lovely lady's blog at this point, but it seems to be down. She has moved blog location in the past, so hopefully this is just a temporary loss. For the record, the most recent blog address I have for her is: http://ameblo.jp/minagi-usagi/. But in her list of works at an
archive of the blog, she confirms this as her first appearance. The cover image above has a prefix of "BP-" rather than "RP-", but I do have the same cover with the RP- prefix. Since this image is of a higher quality, I use it here. My guess is it comes from a re-issue of the series.
Arzon gives the suspicious-sounding January 1, 2000 as the release date for this video. The next video in the series with an Arzon listing is #7, which they date as May 2002. Again, I am guessing that these are re-issue dates, and that the series was inaugurated in 1995, as indicated in the image at top. (If Minagi Usagi were 19 at the time of this video's release, she'd be 36 today, which seems about right. Unfortunately, Usagi gives her birth year as in 1981, five years later than it should be according to these calculations... And how did she appear in a photobook in 1992?... Not to point fingers, but appears that somebody is fudging on years somewhere...)

The second release in the series consisted of the first half of Kaori Mei (芽衣かほり)'s performance.

...and the third release gave us the rest of Kaori Mei's work.

The star of the fourth video is the exquisite Aoi Ookubo (おおくぼあおい).

And we conclude this week's look at the series with Mami Haruno (はるのまみ), the star of the fifth video.
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