Now that I've got your attention with the image above, allow me to bore you with my daily IMDb progress. Today I got caught up to date in submitting the Pink films which were ready for submission. I also looked over the posters to the ones which were semi-ready, but lacking in cast information. Unlike the "sum of human knowledge", IMDb does not seem to have any qualms about accepting information from a "primary source", like a poster. In other words it's more interested in honestly presenting information rather than absurd, bureaucratic formality.
cinepo.com posted a couple new Roman Porno poster images, which I promptly bagged & tagged, for uploading to the
pre-1990 Pink Film archive, after I've finished catching up IMDb with entries to all the films whose posters are currently there.

But now down to business. As I mentioned in
my August 24 post on
Juri Morozuki, I don't care much for these "black" girls-- that is, I like the girls, but not the "blacking".

But, as today's subject,
Shokoro Minami (南ショコラ), amply demonstrates, these girls-- at least IZM's "black" girls-- do have a certain something which shines through the artificial coloring.

To be blunt, I'm talking about her butt. Call me an old-fashioned sentimentalist, but I do like lady with a big butt.

Shokora (or "Chocolat" as one Japanese site renders it in the Roman) has been present at the IZM-related sites lately due to a recent return to DVD. That attention-grabbing image all the way at the top of this post is from that new DVD. But we will discuss that anon. Shokora first appeared with IZM in their
The Giant Black Girl's Immoral Lynch (黒巨ギャルの淫虐リンチ; ICD-131;
video sample; September 2010). The poolside poses seen in this post are from this first performance of the ample Shokora. She keeps
a blog and works soaplands, having profiles at
Peach! 豊満族 (Hômanzoku) and
Debusen Nikudango. Her current profiles put her at 101kg, with measurements 120(I-cup)-95-136.

In April 2011 Shokora made her second IZM appearance,
Man'niku body joshi gakuen (
満肉ボディ女子学園; ICD-149;
video sample). The cover is above this paragraph, and in the body of the paragraph we see some of the action contained in that work. At right she gives a health-conscious gent just the kind of work-out of which I most heartily approve. This kind, and the bending of the elbow while holding a glass of potent beverage are my two favorite exercises.

And at left we see Shokora applying her charm to a studious young lad lad. Nothing better than a face-full of chubby Asian arse after reading some Dickens, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky... or most anything, for that matter...

Above is the cover to Shokora's newest outing with IZM,
Chô nikudan amazoness: Minami Shokora (
超肉弾アマゾネス 南ショコラ; ICD-196;
video sample; released August 24, 2012). And at right we see a scene from this new opus, in which Shokora favors some lucky bastard with one of my own favorite situations: Being crushed by a big, beautiful, heavy Asian woman sitting in my lap. Life doesn't get much better than that... Now if we could just get Shokora to lose the blonde wig and the fake tan, she'd be perfect...
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