Friday, February 27, 2015

Not QUITE Dead!

Well, this is an anti-climax... After I worked myself up into such a lather of self-righteous indignation, now Blogger has changed its mind on pulling the plug on "adult" content. So, now what? First I'd planned on using this weekend to work on my new JAV Archive... THEN I planned on using it to move all my blogs over to Tumblr... NOW, I think I'll go back to the JAV work, but duly warned.

My confidence in Google has been shaken, certainly. And this no "ads for or links to commercial porn sites" limitation, in particular, has me worried. I get no kind of pay-back at all for this hobby, and have no links for commercial intent, but I do cite producers and distributors as the source for the information I present in these blogs, and as sources for readers seeking further information... It's possible they could mis-interpret that as commercial intent...

I've put my foot into Tumblr, and already had some welcoming signs-- three followers already. On the other hand, it always takes time to learn a new platform, and I'm having difficulty figuring out some pretty basic stuff on Tumblr. Formatting posts, with links, etc. looks to be surprisingly difficult, involving html coding, etc. I must be missing something pretty basic, because I doubt it's really that involved...

The main drawback to moving this blog over there is that Tumblr didn't take any of the comments, which is a big loss. I'm not seeing how to link directly to the images, with full descriptions, as I've been doing with Blogger/Picasaweb in the IMDb pages... I suppose I would link to the Blogger post itself, though I'm not sure IMDb will accept that...

I couldn't figure out how to use Tumblr to accept the .html file back-up of the whole blogs (I read reports that it won't), but I think WordPress will do this... and then it's possible to export from WordPress to Tumblr...

This Tweet encourages the use of to back up blogs under threat of deletion. I had meant to look into using that after I had moved everything over to Tumblr. I still plan to at a later date, but their is not so much urgency now...

Anyway, this scare forced me to look into safety systems. It's nice to know that they are there, and I will keep my eye on them just in case Google decides to change its mind again... I think for now, I'll continue here at Blogger as before, but I will start using Tumblr, as a back-up for these blogs.


  1. Man, sorry you had to experience that inconsistency.
    Hopefully you should be able to find some help working around with Tumblr. It seems as soon as you figure out the format and layout, they go ahead and change it again. Not as bad as YouTube, but it really shouldn't be a problem, period.

    I reblogged one of your better entries as Leejunne! You should stop on by, after sifting through a bunch of cartoons, anime, metal, and video games, there are a few posts of mine sharing some quite mutual interests!

    See you then!

    1. ...ah, so YOU'RE Leejunne! I think I've seen you at another forum posting on LUU... Yeah, now I don't know what to do with Tumblr... looks like a good place, but I don't have time to be working in two places at once... plus the new learning curve... I looked through your blog, and was trying to comment on your re-blog of that entry, but I couldn't even figure out how to do that... getting old, I guess...

    2. Yeah, it can be a bit daunting, you basically have to reblog the post with your own caption/addition to leave a comment, which is more or less what I did.

      I'll still around if you need anything, though.

    3. Hi Brandt-- Well... I had first thought I would just stay here, since I'm most familiar with it, and it's easiest for me... But now, I've reached another major problem with Blogger/Picasaweb. They have a 1,000 image limit now.
      They used to start a new Picasa album when that limit was reached. But now, they just keep letting you add images to the blog, but you can't view or link to them through Picasaweb-- I link the JAV/Pink images to IMDb... So it looks like I will be moving my "Archives" to Tumblr after all.
      Blogger was probably never meant to be used as an archive/database anyway, and Tumblr does seem to be better suited to that. I'll probably keep this real blog here, since I don't need to access the images outside of the blog...
      One thing I'm wondering though: Should I start separate Tumblr accounts for each of the archives "Dekkappai Pink" & "Dekkappai JAV", or are there any advantages to having them all under one account?

    4. There should be an option to "Create a new blog" and you'll be able to post/reblog with the same account, just towards a different blog.

      Using tags is probably the best way for your work to get noticed by others, so it's great you're filling those out.

    5. Thanks! The tags are being copied over from Blogger, but I think I see how to use them.

      In tests I've done, Tumblr seems to be resizing images to smaller resolution. Do you know how I can prevent that from happening?
