...Sorry to keep posting about my blog/archive troubles, but it does affect the future of these projects.... maybe I'll go back and decorate them with tasty illustrations later... But here is the latest news:
The move over to Tumblr is proceeding as well as can be expected-- at 250 posts per day, it will still take about a week to get everything over there. My experiments with making new posts there has run into a little glitch though. When I upload images directly to Tumblr, they are sized-down... I don't like that. So, searching for a way to work around this, last night I found that I could upload to Picasaweb at an amazingly fast rate-- much, much faster than at Blogger-- and then post HTML link code into Tumblr. Et voilà! Problem solved! Full-sized images, with the added advantage of being saved at two sites simultaneously for better security!
But not so fast, there, Mr. Dekk! This morning I got a message from "Google Plus"-- which I wasn't even aware I was using-- that I had been violating their adult content policies... I guess here's how it goes: Blogger allows adult content, and it uses Picasaweb to store its images... however, Picasaweb has a policy
against adult content... nice inconsistency there... So if you post to Picasaweb through Blogger, that's OK, but if you post directly to Picasaweb, that's a violation... I guess... Which means I'm back to figuring out how to post to Tumblr full-sized, or finding a different image storage site...
Does everyone have this sort of trouble? I don't see why they should... I must be going about this wrong...
Shiori Tsukada in PZD-019 |
P.S. (March 8, 2015) OK, I
THINK I might have found out a solution to this problem. Instead of using the "Text" variant of posting under Blogger, with image attached (this gives the downsized image), post the image as "Photo". Now, whether I also have to make a separate Text post to get it to show in the archive, or whether the "Photo" posts will post right along with the Text ones, I don't know, since I've reached my max posts for the day and can't test this theory yet. The only problem I see with the "Photo" option is that it doesn't allow a Title (that I can see anyway), just descriptive text. That might be OK, or making a text post with a link to the photo post might work too (it looks like some other blogs do this)... Anyway, above you see the JAV cover I've been using as my guinea pig on this project-- Shiori Tsukada (
whom we met in GAS-305) in PZD-019.
P.P.S. (March 8, 2015) OK-- the post "Photo" option
DOES give larger images, and links to the original sized image...
BUT it doesn't allow a Title for the post... I searched the Internet and found complex work-arounds to this, with pages full of code, and just thought, "How
FUCKING stupid!" Why the hell wouldn't they just put a space for a title, as with Text posts!? Jesus Christ!... So now I've got to decide whether to have posts with smaller images, with a title, or title-less posts with fuller-sized images... or maybe double-post-- one blog just for Photo posts, then a blog with Text posts with code linking to the images...
Miwa Sasaki in FBS-48 |
I've opted for the last solution. I started up
a separate Photo-only blog. This allows 10 images per post. I tested it out with the first ten
Kyonyû etsuraku series videos:
Then linked those images into Text posts in the main JAV blog:
This allows Titles, Video information, a fuller image, with a click-link to the complete full-sized image. Pretty much just how I want it. This will involve a little extra work, but the images upload much faster than at Blogger. Once I've got the posting process worked out, it should go smoothly and quickly enough.
Mitsumi Nanao in FBS-59 |
P.P.P.S. (3/9/2015) I think I've worked out all the kinks, and have put my posting routine at Tumblr into some recognizable, logical order today. In the first test-drive I started in earnest on the
Kyonyû etsuraku series. I was able to upload about
88 images at the image blog in an amazingly fast amount of time compared to Blogger, which has about the most illogical, clunkiest, unreliable image interface their engineers could possibly design. I made
20 full Text posts at the JAV archive in a reasonable amount of time, with links to the image blog, and then back-links from the image blog to the main blog, for users who happen upon the image blog rather than the main blog. Things seem to be falling into place. I'll continue making a few more posts for the rest of the day, then spend the rest of my allotted 250 daily posts in transferring the Pink blog over just before midnight, EST.