I'm nearly finished posting all my current posters at my first Pink film blog, which covers the years 1990 to the present. I just have to finish 2002. So far, I've made a total of over 1,200 posts, each representing a film, with information and poster(s). I've been slowly adding some info to IMDb, and their coverage of, for example, the filmography of Sachi Hamano, and the personnel involved in the making of those films, is improving. IMDb even gladly accepted an article on Mariko Morikawa's sole cinematic venture, Big Tit Monestary, linking to my blog's posters of both releases of the film. Nearly all of this information, needless to say, would now be unwelcomed at the project formerly claiming to aspire to "the sum of human knowledge."
[ BREAKING NEWS: The geniuses (i.e. anonymous, uninformed and biased volunteers) at Wikipedia are now in the process of removing awards as proof of "notability" for Pink film personnel, based on equating them with US low-grade, hardcore pornography personnel. According to the Historical Dictionary of Japanese Cinema, Pink film "must be considered a crucial sector of [Japanese] domestic film production." Do similar reference books on US cinema say this of US hardcore pornography? No matter. Soon, articles on Japanese performers in mainstream films will be targeted for deletion because of a guideline set up to deal with (i.e., delete) articles on U.S. hardcore porn stars. As far as sexual exlicitness, Pink films are the equivalent of US R- and NC-17 films. So will the geniuses at Wikipedia judge filmmakers and films in the US R- and NC-17 categories by the same standard? No, no, no, of course not. But, Dekkappai-san! You don't mean that Wikipedia's "notability" guidelines violate Wikipedia's own policies of "No original research", "Neutral Point of View" and "Not Censored" by allowing editors frame it with their un-supported opinions and personal prejudices, resulting in cultural bias throughout the project! That's EXACTLY what I don't mean nothin' else BUT! ]
Speaking of Hell on the Internet. I got a notice that the edit-warring and sourced-content-deletion of full-time Wiki-asshole Hullaballoo Wolfowitz had been brought to the attention of Jimbo Wales. I made the mistake of blundering in and pointing out that HW was one of the arrogant, ignorant, incompetent, lazy sons-of-bitches who had played a role in my leaving the project-- after having contributed over 600 articles including two Good and one Featured on the mainpage. And how did Wales react? Silence. I was then attacked and insulted on Jimbo's talkpage by a pimply-faced Anglo-centric piece of shit who has never contributed anything to the project, and spends all his time seeing that his self-important, ignorant opinion is represented at every discussion. And how did Wales react? Silent agreement.
A week before Daylight Savings time, I had another brush with Wikipedia. My old computer indicated it was time to set the clocks back, but, knowing that the date had been changed within the last decade, I decided to check around first. I figured even the incompetent blow-hards at Wikipedia could manage to give me the correct time of day. One would think that, for one, is one of the rare, relatively non-controversial topics which doesn't attract crackpottery, edit-warring and deletion of real information. One would thing wrong. The article on Daylight Savings Time does not give the dates of time change. I checked another article-- "Daylight Savings Time in various countries" or whatever. That did not give the dates of time-change either. At this point I did what I should have done before I even went to the site: said "FUCK Wikipedia!" and easily Googled my answer. I can only imagine that the constipated, rule-making "Wikipedia is not" apes went on a "Wikipedia is NOT an almanac!" crusade and deleted any information that might help users in this area. And Jimbo Wales and the rest of the Neville Chamberlains sat on their smug asses silently "assuming good faith".
So far so good.
Then, today I get an email from the marvelous Wikipedia system telling me that an article I started on the Korean animated film Robot Taekwon V and Golden Wing way back in 2006 had suddenly been put up for speedy deletion. Against my better judgement, I looked in to see what was up. What happened illustrates the bureaucratic incompetence that has taken hold at Wikipedia, and which is only getting worse, to the satisfaction of the incompetent teens-playing-bureaucrats who run the place now. Some stupid fucking idiot vandalized the article, adding a lot of hoax information involving Nicholas Cage, President Obama, Roger Ebert, etc. Ha ha ha. Funny. OK. Easily fixed. Just revert it, right? Wrong. But that's how the marvelous Wikipedia system works, isn't it? No. That's how the old Wikipedia worked. The Wikipedia that was set up to accept and present information. How does the new, modernized, BLP-ized, Notability-ized, Deletion-ized Wikipedia system handle this? It speedy-deletes the article as a hoax, then warns me-- retired, good-faith contributor, non-vandal ME-- not to add inappropriate material. Fine. IMDb will be happy to accept information on this "hoax" film when I eventually tire of Pink cinema and branch out to Korean cinema.Here's the entry for that "hoax" over at the Korean Movie Database, and to the right, more hoaxery deceives your eyes. Of course none of the English and American idiots at Wikipedia would think to search for information on a Korean animated film in Korean, would they? No, anyone who reads Korean has either left the project to contribute real information someplace that accepts it, or has accepted what Wikipedia is now, and stayed on to push one point of view and to fight other point-of-view-pushers... Chatting, trolling, fighting other trolls, vandalizing and fighting other vandals... that's what all the repected editors do...
And at IMDb? No vandals, no self-important, incompetent assholes endlessly creating, changing, interpreting and re-interpreting their own rules... just submit your information with back-up sources and people with actual authority approve it or reject it... I should have made the move to IMDb long ago.
But, in Boobpedian news: The gorgeous Tamaki Yasuoka has a new DVD release, code name: WZA-04. She can be seen at the top of this post. Tamaki-san reports in her blog that she and lovely Mei Asaki had a wine date a couple weeks ago. See the picture below Ms. Yasuoka above for Asaki-san. Put me between those four... er, two... with a little scotch instead of the wine, and you've got the stuff that Dekkappedlian dreams are made of...
And, beating all the odds, Bon-Bon Cherry has finally released a decent screenshot to DMM. Take a look at the layout presented in their DVD Bomc-032:
... and with that, I wish you soft, warm, squishy, pleasant dreams...
Friday, November 11, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Pocchari Pink? Inspiration strikes!

Sunday, September 25, 2011
Moving On to Pink Film Archive & IMDb!

Posting here over the past month has been fun and given me ideas on what can and can't be done in this format. As mentioned earlier, I'll be cutting back on Wiki-type work after the first month of October, and with that, posting at this Boobpedia blog will dwindle. Still I'll plan on posting the occasional essay whenever I come across a new discovery to share here and at BP.
My next project is to upload the Pink film poster images I've accumulated and identified over the years while working on the subject at Wikipedia and Eigapedia. Dekkappai's Pink Film Archive is the first step in that project. (I'm hoping Blogspot allows thousands of posts/images, because that's what it's going to take.) Step two will be adding the info on these films to IMDb, where I've been contributing to the subject sporadically, but quite successfully over the past couple years. (I had to chuckle when I read the message at IMDb on adding new films, along the lines of, "We already have almost every feature film ever released, your new one is probably already here." Well, IMDb, you've barely scratched the surface of the fascinating world Pink film... So, allow me to introduce you to about 100 films a year you've overlooked...)
IMDb will be a better place for this information than the so-called "encyclopedic" Wikipedia and Wikia. Not only is IMDb-- despite what Wikipedia claims-- a much more "reliable" source, because it checks all information before adding it, it doesn't allow any fool to edit it. No one edits it except for IMDb staff. We submit data with sourcing for their consideration, and then they add or reject it. At Wikipedia, where "anyone" can edit, people who are opposed to certain topics come there simply to remove that information, no matter how well sourced. Unless you want to spend most of your time fighting to keep legitimate information in, you are wasting your time contributing there... One drawback to IMDb is that it charges to add posters to their pages, so I won't be doing that. But I'll link to the posters in my new blog at external links at the IMDb page. I've already got a few Pink film posters from 1967/68 linked to another poster image album of mine which never went very far.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mrs. Dekkappai, being a chubby, buxom Asian woman herself, knows I like to look at other women-- chubby, buxom, Asian, and/or not-- and she's fine with that. But do you know what would happen if I ever ran off with some floozy, like Mitchum did in this movie?... Do you???

But let's take a breath and pull ourselves together now... Anyway. Claude Rains redeemed himself after the rather disappointing Angel on My Shoulder from a couple days ago. He was superb as the bitter, soon-to-be-murdered cuckolded husband in this movie, though he only had a short part.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Boin Box Bios done, Uncle Bon Bon outdoes himself

I went back and started a couple bios on older Boin Box actresses which had been left, but the server started fizzin' up (the trusty old "Forbidden" message), so I counted up my bios from the past week and added them to my curriculum vitae-- 37 bios in all. And now with that obligation out of my way, I'm free to take another safari into my beloved pocchari territory.
I then took a little time to browse around a little and found that DMM has released the highly-anticipated screenshots to the Bon Bon Cherry series DVD BOMC-029 (Exclusive! Never Before Seen! 26-Year-Old 144cm T-Cup Haruki, 50cm Difference Between Top and Under Bust), bearing a record-breaking T-cup model.

Now, if I can direct your attention back to the left, we see the goods in the process of unveiling.

Et voilà. Glance to the right, and no more words are necessary. I will leave you to contemplate the goodness of nature's bounty... DMM kindly offers a video clip to sample the harvest...
Sunday, September 18, 2011
To Pee or Not to Pee

Continuing my exploration of obscure B-movie rarities, I watched something called Wizard of Oz (1939) today. I'm going to go out on a limb and say this film is destined for classic status. I always wondered why the fact that Frank Morgan who played both Professor Marvel and the Wizard, is also the gate-keeper/carriage driver never seems to be noticed by anyone else. Or am I imagining it. No, IMDb lists it. I guess it's known. Anyway, it adds another level to the Wizard's humbuggery...
It strikes me now, too, that since I saw the movie on a Korean DVD, the Korean translation-- 오즈의 마법사 ("Ojeu ui mabopsa") needs only a minor alteration-- 오줌의 마법사 ("Ojum ui mabopsa") to become an excellent title for a scatological porn DVD-- "The Wizard of Piss". Believe it... or not... (Unfortunately, a Wiki-pimp search on the title indicates I'm not the first to come up with this clever little pun...) I'd post a picture here of one of my favorite Japanese lovelies peeing, but I suspect Blogspot / Blogger would have a policy against such things. Checking the Terms of Service, however, I only see the explicit exclusion of bestiality (there goes some Hisayasu Satou films), and incest... do they mean real incest or the portrayal of it by actors? If the former, how do they prove it?

I was back and forth while the movie played, but I had to sit down to enjoy my favorite moment. It's when Dorothy is getting ready to click her heels together and return to Kansas. The Wizard has already taken off in the balloon. She's saying goodbye to her Oz friends, as "If I Only Had a Brain" is playing softly, with restrained passion on the soundtrack. Just when she comes to the Cowardly Lion, the violins suddenly, sweetly soar up to the stratosphere in close harmony, like a stifled sob, longing for home but regretting leaving new friends, anticipating the later wish to return to Oz, the inevitable return to sepia-tones after all the magical color of the last 90 minutes, the audience's knowledge that the film is coming to an end, and of childhood's bittersweet ending leading to disillusioned adulthood, old age and death, Judy Garland's for one... All wrapped up in one wistful little passing phrase in the strings. Chokes me up every time...
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

After the night's editing, I watched a little Monk with my son. One of the few new TV shows I'll watch. And then only on DVD. Remind me to rant some time about how much I hate American culture of the past decade-and-a-half. How alienated I feel from what is ostensibly my own culture. How much more I enjoyed being a foreigner in Korea and Japan-- where I really was a foreigner-- than I do being one in my own country... Actually, I guess I like Monk because I can identify with him. Though he does seem more comfortable here than I am... And a better detective...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Now's as good a time as any, I suppose, to mention that I plan on curtailing my editing activity after the first week of October. Other hobbies call, and I've been gradually easing back into them over the past couple months. I'd originally intended to spend the last month or so of full-time Wiki-hobbying working on Japanese cinema at Eigapedia and Korean cinema at Yeonghwapedia but I received news that the "explicit" posters of some of the Pink films articles I'd started at Eigapedia (and the "Ero" films I planned to start at Yeonghwapedia) would have to be deleted, making the articles pretty useless, I think. When I want to work on articles with bare-bones info and no poster, I contribute to IMDb. So, Boobpedia becomes my final full-time wiki-hobby outlet, and it is a fine place to wind up this hobby.

Anyway, the Boobpedia server was screwing up in the afternoon, so all I got done was to add a few Amazon numbers to the newest Cinema Unit GAS DVDs and info on the latest Shaking Big Boobs series releases. I flopped out a quadruple of bio-quicklies in the p.m.--Momoko Saeki (the lovely lady seen to the left), Suzuka Arinaga, Yumi Kitami, and Mei Asuka-- then called it quits.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Venus Anadyomene
Started another bio-stub this morning, Kairi Uehara, but discovered another editor had already started an article on her under another alias Nao Tachibana. Damn. I merged what I could, and patched up the mess I'd made as best as I could, given that the Boobpedia server was again giving me trouble. During the afternoon I put together data on a few new pocchari series: POTYAJ, PCHA, and Jams' FAT series.
All short series which should be quick, easy and fun. In the evening I started three more BoinBB bios, then browsed around a little. I found the new releases from BBP Eizo, a "candid camera"-type series which takes videos of chubby and busty women on the street or at the beach. Though obviously hit & miss, it occasionally comes up with such visions of wonderous loveliness as this Venus emerging from the sea-- cropped from the DVD cover KBCK-024-- over on the right. It's an interesting series, at least judging from the DVD covers, but won't work in with the AV network method we've got going at Boobpedia-- Start articles on all the DVDs in a series, then bio stubs with filmographies on all the actresses, who then appear in more busty series, each of which we start articles on, leading to more actress bio stubs.. I guess that's the way Boobpedia keeps perpetuatin' itself, down through the generations, westward the wagons, across the sands a time until - aw, look at me, I'm ramblin' again.... Well, I hope you folks enjoyed yerselves...
(note: for a fuller look at this DVD, and the girl in this scene, see the blog post for June 29, 2014.)

(note: for a fuller look at this DVD, and the girl in this scene, see the blog post for June 29, 2014.)
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

During my afternoon session, I gathered data for the Maguro series / label's Nikudan series. I'm not sure about the name. In Japanese it's Ma-gu-ro, but DMM gives the director's name in Roman script as "Magllow". Maguro certainly makes more sense, as "Magllow" makes no sense whatsoever as far as I can tell.

Monday, September 12, 2011
Boin Box series now up-to-date

40 minutes in the morning, 30 minutes in the daytime, an hour or two at night on weekdays, and about three hours on a weekend to start 65 articles in a week. So, all-in-all, if time is allocated efficiently, the Wiki-work doesn't have to be a time-consuming hobby. It gets to be time- and energy-draining, and destructive when you allow in large groups of "editors" who are fundamentally opposed to the goals or subject of the Wiki (read, Wikipedia "Deletionists" and Admins) to turn it all into one big debate / argument / bureaucratic farce. Wikipedia's figurehead, Jimbo Wales, once claimed WP aspired for "The sum of human knowledge", which is an "Inclusionist" statement if ever there was one. Yet he has allowed the project to be hijacked by people whose sole goal at WP is to remove sourced material they don't want to see. BP, to its credit, has only two administrators, and both of those are in favor of the subject of the project. When one of them deletes something, there is no need to worry if there is some hidden agenda behind it, because they have shown that they are completely in favor of BP's goals. Moreover, the subject of the project is stated clearly and not open for endless "Wikipedia is not..."-type debates: The subject is boobs (well, "big" boobs, C-cup or above-- I'd quibble with that limitation, preferring boobs, just plain old boobs, period. But since this was stated plainly and clearly when I joined up, I have no problem accepting that.) WP's ever-increasing exclusion criteria-- at a project claiming to aim for "the sum of human knowledge"-- are all mob-made, changeable, subjective, open to interpretation, and based on a shell-game sham version of "consensus". There are Wikipedia administrators who are quite open-- both on and off Wikipedia-- in expressing their contempt for both the "community" and the goals of the project.

Anyway... That was fun working through those 65 DVDs and updating that series, but I'm hankering to get back to my lovely BBWs now. Of course, I should probably start a few stubs on the new Boin Box actresses first though... (at left, Yui-chan from PCHA-013 beckons, "Dekkappai-san! Come back to where your heart is! Enough of skinny girls in handcuffs! Start an article for meeee!!!" Coming, Yui-chan, darling, coming, coming, coming...)
Sunday, September 11, 2011
I woke up early for a Sunday-- about 5:30 a.m.-- so I had a good three hours of Boobpedian work done before breakfast. I continued with the Boin Box series project. 
Did some shopping and other real-life crap that cut into my precious BP-editing time, then got to flop out 1-5 more article stubs at a time whenever I could sit down at the computer. The day's work produced 27 DVD stubs, nestling my day's editing comfily between the two lovelies, Madoka Ayukawa from Boin "Madoka Ayukawa" Box (BOBB-079, seen at left) and Yuu Aiuchi from Boin "Yuu Aiuchi" Box 2 (BOBB-106, seen at right).
This evening's excursion into the risky realm of public domain cinematic pleasure consisted of The Wackiest Wagon Train in the West (1976; from 1973 TV footage). I'm not really sure it's public domain though, since it's not available for download at the Internet Archive. Maybe it's just that nobody wants to claim ownership...
The film was simply four episodes of the television series Dusty's Trail lazily stitched together. Dusty's Trail was a lazy imitation of Gilligan's Island. What made Gilligan work well for what it was-- crap-- was that its plots moved. It had enough plot in any one episode for any three run-of-the-mill crap TV sitcoms. An incident would set off a plot point, which would lead to another incident setting off more things, and another, and another. Dusty, like most crap sitcoms, had one thing set off the entire episode, and that was it. The setting for the series was simply the Gilligan characters moved to the old west. Forest Tucker as the "Skipper" figure was pretty good. Bob Denver in the Gilligan / Dusty role seemed listless and tired, but not too awfully bad. The rest of the Gilligan characters-- Mr. & Mrs. Howell, the Professor, Ginger & MaryAnne-- were all there, but without the talented actors that made them work well in Gilligan. The stitched-together aspect of the film was pretty obvious. Every 25 minutes one stopped and another started. All-in-all it was pretty damned bad.

This evening's excursion into the risky realm of public domain cinematic pleasure consisted of The Wackiest Wagon Train in the West (1976; from 1973 TV footage). I'm not really sure it's public domain though, since it's not available for download at the Internet Archive. Maybe it's just that nobody wants to claim ownership...

Saturday, September 10, 2011
Träume keine kleinen Träume

Friday, September 9, 2011
Spent the morning Boobpedia session (which usually runs about 20-30 minutes) finding more screenshots for the Boin Box series. I finished adding Amazon numbers to the series data during my afternoon BP session (usually 30-45 minutes) and started adding new info on entries to the Big Boobs, Bomber Boobs series.
The evening's entertainment returned us to East Side Kid territory with Spooks Run Wild (1941). We seem to have, unintentionally, watched these East Side Kids epics in order of their production. This film includes the Kids' legendary first meeting with Bela Lugosi, making it a Poverty Row Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948), although, since that Universal production came seven years after this Monogram Pictures one, the big studio must have stolen the idea from the minor... Once again, Ernest "Sunshine Sammy" Morrison stole the show as far as I am concerned, yet he was relegated to an even smaller role in the group's hierarchy than he was in the previous film. Huntz Hall was clearly being groomed as an equal to Leo Gorcey. But it's Morrison that was the funniest. You can even see Lugosi struggling to keep from cracking up when Morrison does an especially funny "scared" bit and runs off. One wonders what was going on, that this guy-- the funniest of the gang-- was being pushed off to the background. Racism would be the obvious answer, though one would hope the answer isn't that obvious... You can view it online for free at the Internet Archive.

Thursday, September 8, 2011
À la Recherche du Boobs Perdu
Spent the morning session picking out screenshots for the Boin Box series. Did #54 - 88. Gathered Amazon numbers for series in the afternoon. Looks like I'm drifting towards my next project: Boin Box series. Nice-looking models, but not especially attractive to me, most of them. Probably more popular than what I like though. These are all young, thin, model-pretty girls.
I've always liked mature, plump, earth-mother types which were very rare in Japanese erotic entertainment until recently. Naomi Tani was the best I could find to match my ideal during the '70s...
I remember having to pick my eyes up up from bouncing around on the floor of the Japanese bookstore, after they'd popped out when I came across Kimiko Matsuzaka (left) in a magazine in 1989. Hard to believe today what a shock it was to see a Japanese model with a little plumpness, not to mention bazooms of that size.

And then Mariko Morikawa came along in 1994! After Morikawa (seen at right), it was a steady escalation in the appreciation of kyonyuu, and with it a gradual realization that the BBW body-type that came with the kyonyuu was not necessarily undesirable. Now pocchari is a real genre unto itself. These days, there are so many gorgeous new BBW models you'd never have seen in the '90s or before... Favorites of today? Tani, Matsuzaka and Morikawa were the reigning queens of each of their eras.

I guess I'll have to put together a list today's top ten eventually. A few of them have already been posted here, although of all of them, motherly Tamaki Yasuoka (left) is pretty close to the Dekkappedian idea of perfection...

...as is Karen Toudou (right)...

...and Mitsumi Nanao (left)...

I remember having to pick my eyes up up from bouncing around on the floor of the Japanese bookstore, after they'd popped out when I came across Kimiko Matsuzaka (left) in a magazine in 1989. Hard to believe today what a shock it was to see a Japanese model with a little plumpness, not to mention bazooms of that size.

And then Mariko Morikawa came along in 1994! After Morikawa (seen at right), it was a steady escalation in the appreciation of kyonyuu, and with it a gradual realization that the BBW body-type that came with the kyonyuu was not necessarily undesirable. Now pocchari is a real genre unto itself. These days, there are so many gorgeous new BBW models you'd never have seen in the '90s or before... Favorites of today? Tani, Matsuzaka and Morikawa were the reigning queens of each of their eras.

I guess I'll have to put together a list today's top ten eventually. A few of them have already been posted here, although of all of them, motherly Tamaki Yasuoka (left) is pretty close to the Dekkappedian idea of perfection...

...as is Karen Toudou (right)...

...and Mitsumi Nanao (left)...
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
'Walking' by Henry Dekkappai Thoreau
Another slow day BP-wise. Spent the morning and evening cropping out front covers on the BOIN Box DVDs, then set up the article template and the web addresses for screenshots. Gathered some data on the Oppai label in the afternoon
Lacking other Boobpedia-related news, I present to you now my tribute to the immortal Thoreau essay, Walking.
I'm not a big guy, but I've got a long-legged, loping gait. Generally I walk fast, even if I'm not especially in a hurry. It's an easy, unhurried, naturally long-stepped stride. I don't appear to be walking fast to the observer, though I do cover a lot of ground in a short time. I don't saunter, unless sauntering is my purpose, and then I saunter with relish. I tend to walk straight ahead to my destination, unlike most people, who slowly wander and zig-zag randomly like extras from Night of the Living Dead. I will take a longer route if that route is less populated and will result in my avoiding an aimlessly milling crowd, or one which is headed in the direction I am traveling, but just walking too slowly. I will take that alternate route even if it lengthens my walk and inevitably delays me from reaching my destination, if I am not pressed for time. As long as I am moving at my regular, comfortable rate of speed, I am fine. I take the path of least idiocy, unless idiocy-- meaning people, people in crowds-- cannot be avoided. As a matter of fact, if you are ever in a large crowd of slow-moving, aimlessly-wandering idiots, and some guy comes charging through, fast, in the opposite direction, making a gallant attempt to avoid bumping into anyone, and muttering, "Buncha fuckin' zombies." -- that's probably me. Dekkappai.
As I said, I do walk straight-- I generally walk straight to my destination by the shortest route I can calculate in my mind. If you were to plot my course, however, you would notice several minor deviations from the straight path. This is because I attempt to avoid running into people. Running into peop
le slows me down, and I don't like collisions with strangers-- especially men, who tend to be the main bumpers. Women probably sense I'd enjoy it; why couldn't I ever have a collision such as the one re-enacted in the IZM DVD at right? If I see another pedestrian walking towards me, I will move to the side to avoid collision. If the on-coming pedestrian then moves towards another collision, I will again alter my course. I know this collision-phobia is an odd quirk of mine since most people don't seem to mind collisions at all. In fact they seem to enjoy them because a collision gives them a chance to stop and yell at each other, engaging in a "Who's the bigger asshole" contest. I don't care for those contests. If you want to be a bigger asshole than me, I'm fine with that. Just get out of my way. I've got somewhere to be, and it ain't here.
So anyway, I was walking out of the store today in my usual long-legged loping gait. My path to the exit was straight ahead. Another man was walking in a path that would cross mine. He was walking slowly and aimlessly.
I calculated that, traveling at the velocities we were, even should the other man suddenly straighten out his path, I would easily reach the point at which our paths intersected before him. Now, I take no pride in saying this. I'm not bragging. I present it as a simple statement of fact. The other man, however, seeing me coming increased his speed. Why? Beyond the fact that people are stupid-- FUCKING stupid-- I could not have offered a guess at that point. Regardless, even given the other man's increased speed, my calculations assured me that I would still have no problem whatsoever crossing the intersection before him. I maintained my rate of speed. (For those who are bored with this narrative, I offer for your viewing pleasure a totally gratuitous image of Yuuki Manaka on bicycle, at left) After another step, as I was about to put my foot down again, I saw a grit of determination come to the other man's face, and I realized this had become a "Bigger Asshole" contest to him. He was determined he would the bigger one. Fine, I would let him have his pride. He sped up further. Still not wishing to slow down, I instead altered my course slightly so that the other man would cross first, and I will cross after, and behind him. I would have lost only an insignificant fraction of a second from my departure from the store, the other man's self-respect-- so-called-- would be intact, and we would both be satisfied. But no. The other man, either sensing that I was throwing the race, or just being too feeble to maintain his accellerated rate, slowed down. Now I was at a loss. My current,
altered course would lead to certain collision with the man now, but if I went back to my original course, I would, by moving ahead again, threaten him. I unwisely readjusted my path to its original course thinking-- though now dubious-- that I would be able to cross the intersection first without incident, and then proceed on out the store to freedom. Just as I was about to cross, however, the other man suddenly lunged ahead of me, shouting, "Oh no you don't, sir!" I come to a sudden stop to avoid running right smack into him. He stopped and turned around, expecting a fight, I suppose. I resumed walking and attained exit. As I unlocked my car I mumbled, "Fuck you, asshole". Bach was playing on the radio as I drove off. The End. (Nobody, but NOBODY says "The End" like Rose Aoyama, at right, says "The End").
Lacking other Boobpedia-related news, I present to you now my tribute to the immortal Thoreau essay, Walking.
I'm not a big guy, but I've got a long-legged, loping gait. Generally I walk fast, even if I'm not especially in a hurry. It's an easy, unhurried, naturally long-stepped stride. I don't appear to be walking fast to the observer, though I do cover a lot of ground in a short time. I don't saunter, unless sauntering is my purpose, and then I saunter with relish. I tend to walk straight ahead to my destination, unlike most people, who slowly wander and zig-zag randomly like extras from Night of the Living Dead. I will take a longer route if that route is less populated and will result in my avoiding an aimlessly milling crowd, or one which is headed in the direction I am traveling, but just walking too slowly. I will take that alternate route even if it lengthens my walk and inevitably delays me from reaching my destination, if I am not pressed for time. As long as I am moving at my regular, comfortable rate of speed, I am fine. I take the path of least idiocy, unless idiocy-- meaning people, people in crowds-- cannot be avoided. As a matter of fact, if you are ever in a large crowd of slow-moving, aimlessly-wandering idiots, and some guy comes charging through, fast, in the opposite direction, making a gallant attempt to avoid bumping into anyone, and muttering, "Buncha fuckin' zombies." -- that's probably me. Dekkappai.
As I said, I do walk straight-- I generally walk straight to my destination by the shortest route I can calculate in my mind. If you were to plot my course, however, you would notice several minor deviations from the straight path. This is because I attempt to avoid running into people. Running into peop

So anyway, I was walking out of the store today in my usual long-legged loping gait. My path to the exit was straight ahead. Another man was walking in a path that would cross mine. He was walking slowly and aimlessly.

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